Rheumatoid Arthritis and Infertility
She was suffering from RA and all joints pain and disfigurement of hands for more than a year. She was on corticosteroids only and painkillers. Her wrists swelled on working, joints crackled and had pain in hips and knees. She felt numbness in her head sometimes and suffered from insomnia. The doctors also said she would never be able to conceive because of all the steroids she was having. After 2 sessions of Neurotherapy treatments she was much better, pains had reduced, hands became flexible and she stopped all medicines immediately. Her head became clear and normal. She was having 6 sulpha tablets, 2 doses of pain killers, 1 dose of calcium and 1 dose of steroid tablet daily and on Saturday 2 doses of steroids and on Sunday 3 doses of steroid with all other medicines for the past one year. Now she is absolutely normal, no pain, no swelling, no disfigurement. She became pregnant and delivered a beautiful baby girl. The child and mother both are healthy.